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  • Instrument operational amplifier circuit
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  • Duration:16 minutes and 10 seconds
  • Date:2018/03/06
  • Uploader:老白菜
keywords: circuit

Using 4 projects such as audio power amplifiers as a carrier, students will learn the analysis, production and testing of 20 classic unit circuits such as operational amplifier circuits. Through the study of 20 unit circuits such as operational amplifier circuits , master the basic structure, testing and application of diodes, transistors, resistors, capacitors and other components; master rectification, filtering, voltage stabilizing circuits, common emitter and common collector amplifier circuits, Analyze and apply methods for signal processing circuits such as operational amplifier circuits; master analysis and design methods for digital logic circuits such as counters, decoders, and oscillators. The teaching process is demonstrated using the simulation software Multisim, with virtual simulation training first and then physical circuit testing. Unit circuit learning process: functional qualitative analysis → parameter quantitative analysis → component analysis.

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