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  • Duration:13 minutes and 6 seconds
  • Date:2018/03/06
  • Uploader:老白菜
keywords: Linux Embedded

Guide teaching through real projects, carry out teaching in a task-based manner, complete the learning and application of theoretical knowledge, and achieve the integration of theory and practice. The course arranges eight projects, all of which are derived from real school-enterprise cooperation projects. Three actual projects are used as the teaching carrier, from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, and the teaching is carried out step by step. The three projects complement each other and integrate into a whole, which not only meets the basic requirements of teaching, but also integrates the basic knowledge and skills required for practical work into the project implementation process.

Master Linux common operating commands and system management; understand embedded system process management, file management, and the Linux kernel; be familiar with ARM operating system transplantation and device driver file management on different hardware platforms and other related knowledge, learn QT program development, and embed Debugging of system programs. Enable students to learn the thinking methods of analyzing and solving problems in embedded development, and master the basic methods and common algorithms of programming .

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