• Duration:5 minutes and 50 seconds
  • Date:2018/02/21
  • Uploader:老白菜
DC Power Filter (DC power filter)
DC power filter is the basis that affects the entire hardware circuit.
Course objectives:
Understand the "action principle, impact on system quality, combination type, material selection principles, and layout specifications" of DC power filters.

Linear DC power conversion (Linear Regulator, LDO)
course objectives:
1.) How to determine "switching type" Or "linear" DC power conversion architecture
2.) Understand the categories and advantages and disadvantages of "linear DC power conversion"
3.) Understand the impact of "linear DC power conversion" on system quality
4.) Understand "linear DC power conversion" "Matching with "MLCC"
5.) Understand the material selection principles under "Linear DC Power Conversion"
6.) Understand the Layout specifications of "Linear DC Power Conversion"

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