• Duration:18 minutes and 36 seconds
  • Date:2018/01/06
  • Uploader:老白菜
keywords: LabVIEW Online Forum
NI LabVIEW is a graphical development environment specially designed for engineers and scientists in the fields of test measurement and automation control. Since its advent in 1986, it has won the honor of being one of the "50 Milestones of the Electronic Age". Today, it has long gone beyond the scope of a simple programming language and has become a graphical development platform that unifies the entire process of design, control and testing.

Currently, LabVIEW's efficiency, ease of use, and powerful features help engineers around the world achieve engineering innovation. In China, LabVIEW has become the most commonly used programming language for test, measurement and automation engineers. Mastering LabVIEW is one of the prerequisites for an excellent engineer.

The LabVIEW online forum was recorded by NI engineers. Free online viewing to help LabVIEW enthusiasts learn and understand a wider range of LabVIEW application skills.

Start learning LabVIEW now!
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