• Duration:6 minutes and 51 seconds
  • Date:2015/04/16
  • Uploader:chenyy
keywords: Arduino Maker RS
    RS Components presents you a series of ten videos (Chinese subtitles) to help you learn to use the Arduino starter kit. In this video, we will learn the basics of using the Arduino starter kit.
    Arduino is an open source electronic prototyping platform based on flexible and easy-to-use hardware and software development. It's also a great starter kit for users to experiment, learn, and master the basics of electronic engineering.
    Massimo Banzi is one of the founders of Arduino. Starting from the beginning of October 2012, for ten consecutive weeks, RS will launch a course produced by Massimo every week to let you learn to use Arduino. Allowing you to unleash your creativity and build your own electronic gadgets!

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