Embedded linux development introductory video

Embedded linux development introductory video

LinuxprocessCharacter Device

As a huge system, Linux has many related research fields. In summary, there are roughly five directions: 1. Server maintenance: You need to understand Linux services, be proficient in using Shell, and understand network configuration. 2. Server development: You need to learn Linux programming and Linux network programming. 3. Embedded Linux applications: You need to learn C language and basic Linux knowledge. 4. Embedded Linux driver 5. Linux visualization application

Total of 52 lessons9 hours and 24 minutes and 32 seconds

Operating System Principles Chen Xiangqun, Peking University

Operating System Principles Chen Xiangqun, Peking University

operating systemprocessOSthread

1. Master the basic concepts, functional components, system structure and operating environment of operating systems; 2. Be familiar with and apply the working principles, design methods and implementation technologies of operating systems, and understand representative and typical operating system examples (such as UNIX, Linux and Windows); 3. Understand the evolution process, development research trends, new technologies and new ideas of operating systems, lay a good foundation for subsequent study of related courses, and lay the foundation for subsequent career development.

Total of 82 lessons18 hours and 17 minutes and 8 seconds

Linux inter-process communication

Linux inter-process communication


This tutorial mainly talks about Linux inter-process communication. It is a simple and easy-to-understand video tutorial that is difficult to understand. The main contents include an overview of process communication, pipeline communication, signal shared memory, message queue and semaphore, etc.

Total of 6 lessons2 hours and 6 minutes and 10 seconds




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