Image Processing and Analysis Jia Yonghong, Wuhan University

Image Processing and Analysis Jia Yonghong, Wuhan University

filterImage ProcessingEdge Detection

"Image Processing and Analysis" is intended to enrich students' knowledge of image processing and analysis, and cultivate students' interest in learning, innovative thinking and practical ability in image processing and analysis. The purpose is to allow students to deeply understand the concept of image processing, master the methods and skills of image processing and analysis, and understand the development and application of digital image processing.

Total of 41 lessons6 hours and 4 minutes and 9 seconds

Digital Image ProcessingTianjin University of Science and Technology

Digital Image ProcessingTianjin University of Science and Technology

wavelettransformGeometric transformationGrayscale transformation

Introduces various algorithm analysis and programming implementation techniques for digital image processing. The main contents include: bitmap basics, image display, image geometric transformation, image grayscale transformation, image smoothing, image sharpening and edge detection, image segmentation and measurement, image morphological processing, image processing Transform domain processing and application, image synthesis, 24-bit color image processing, JPEG image compression coding.

Total of 49 lessons1 days and 4 hours and 20 minutes and 39 seconds




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