Live replay: Detailed explanation of OnSemi ultra-low power RSL10 Bluetooth SoC development board

Live replay: Detailed explanation of OnSemi ultra-low power RSL10 Bluetooth SoC development board

SoCBluetoothUltra low power consumptionAvnet

ON Semiconductor and Avnet have teamed up with EEWorld to provide you with the industry's ultra-low-power RSL10 Bluetooth SoC development board, and held an Internet of Things competition as the core. You can develop various Bluetooth-based products based on the characteristics of this product. smart device. In order to solve the problems and confusions that everyone will encounter in hands-on design, a pre-match training is held to explain the background, main technical features and terminal application development of RSL10.

Total of 2 lessons1 hours and 27 minutes and 24 seconds

Live replay: WPI & TI - Application of ultra-low power MCU in touch and intelligent industrial gateways

Live replay: WPI & TI - Application of ultra-low power MCU in touch and intelligent industrial gateways

OFMCUtouchUltra low power consumption

Main content 1. TI MSP430FR series product introduction: focusing on the MSP430FR touch chip model; 2. TI MSP432 series product introduction: focusing on the MSP432E series; 3. TI MSP430 touch button solution introduction.

Total of 12 lessons1 hours and 6 minutes and 35 seconds

MSP430 Overview

MSP430 Overview

MSP430OFMCUUltra low power consumption

MSP430 Overview

Total of 2 lessons40 minutes and 45 seconds

Introducing the ultra-low power series microcontrollers using nanoWatt XLP technology

Introducing the ultra-low power series microcontrollers using nanoWatt XLP technology

MicrochipUltra low power consumptionnanoWattXLP

Introducing the ultra-low power series microcontrollers using nanoWatt XLP technology

Total of 1 lessons2 minutes and 12 seconds




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