Live replay: WPI & TI - Application of ultra-low power MCU in touch and intelligent industrial gateways

Live replay: WPI & TI - Application of ultra-low power MCU in touch and intelligent industrial gateways

OFMCUtouchUltra low power consumption

Main content 1. TI MSP430FR series product introduction: focusing on the MSP430FR touch chip model; 2. TI MSP432 series product introduction: focusing on the MSP432E series; 3. TI MSP430 touch button solution introduction.

Total of 12 lessons1 hours and 6 minutes and 35 seconds

Atmel SAM D2x capacitive touch solution

Atmel SAM D2x capacitive touch solution

AtmeltouchSAM D2x

Atmel SAM D2x capacitive touch solution

Total of 1 lessons24 minutes and 55 seconds

Atmel maXTouch-Infinite Touch

Atmel maXTouch-Infinite Touch


The unlimited touch of Atmel's maXTouch multi-touch technology can bring new application possibilities, such as gestures controlled by multiple fingers, confirming multiple valid touches, and rejecting unintentional touches.

Total of 1 lessons1 minutes and 46 seconds

Delivers flawless touch performance with maXCharger technology

Delivers flawless touch performance with maXCharger technology

Atmeltouchbattery chargermaXCharger

Another key feature of the maXTouch S Series is maXCharger technology.....

Total of 1 lessons3 minutes and 47 seconds

Atmel stylus solutions revolutionize touch user experience

Atmel stylus solutions revolutionize touch user experience


Atmel® Corporation announces active stylus for tablets and smartphones...

Total of 1 lessons3 minutes and 13 seconds

Freely develop touch products using mTouch™ Framework (2)

Freely develop touch products using mTouch™ Framework (2)


mTouch™ Framework is Microchip’s free software development kit for capacitive touch applications

Total of 1 lessons11 minutes and 43 seconds

Use mTouch™ Framework to freely develop touch products (1)

Use mTouch™ Framework to freely develop touch products (1)


mTouch™ Framework is Microchip's free software development kit for capacitive touch applications...

Total of 1 lessons11 minutes and 18 seconds

A day in the life of a Microchip touch solution

A day in the life of a Microchip touch solution

MicrochiptouchMicrochip application solutionsSensing

A day in the life of a Microchip touch solution

Total of 1 lessons3 minutes and 30 seconds




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