Compilation Principle Wang Ting, National University of Defense Technology

Compilation Principle Wang Ting, National University of Defense Technology

Compilation PrinciplesLRLexical

The construction principles and techniques of compilers can be said to be the best example of combining theory and practice in computer science and technology. In the teaching of many courses, there is often a lack of concrete and vivid examples of the connection between classic theories and advanced technologies, and the course on compilation principles has a unique advantage in this regard. Formal language and automaton theory provide a solid theoretical foundation for the design of compiler programs. It is under the guarantee of scientific theory that a series of advanced compiler program design methods and tools have been formed, making the construction of compiler programs highly efficient. Systematicity and automation.

Total of 50 lessons1 days and 17 hours and 59 minutes and 36 seconds

Compilation principle

Compilation principle

Compilation Principles

This course mainly teaches the main theories and techniques of compiler design and implementation. The main contents include lexical analysis, syntax analysis, syntax tree construction, semantic analysis, intermediate code generation, code optimization, target code generation and other main contents.

Total of 86 lessons12 hours and 22 minutes and 21 seconds




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