Live Replay: Allegro Next-Generation Magnetic Sensing Solutions: How XtremeSense™ TMR Technology Promotes Efficient Applications

Live Replay: Allegro Next-Generation Magnetic Sensing Solutions: How XtremeSense™ TMR Technology Promotes Efficient Applications

currentTMRXtremeSense™Tunnel magnetoresistance

The increasing demand for efficiency in the industrial and automotive sectors has led to significant changes in design factors, especially the requirements for current and position sensing capabilities. Compared with traditional silicon-based solutions, wide bandgap components provide smaller, faster and more reliable power electronic solutions with excellent efficiency. Key areas such as electric vehicles, renewable energy and overall power efficiency are increasingly requiring more accurate and higher resolution current and position sensors. Although Hall effect solutions were almost standard, the focus is now shifting to tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) technology, which has attracted the attention of designers due to its various advantages.

Total of 1 lessons25 minutes and 17 seconds

1.5A LDO+ regulator monitors current and temperature

1.5A LDO+ regulator monitors current and temperature


The LDO+ regulator does more than just regulate. Their functions include monitoring and control as well as regulation.

Total of 1 lessons7 minutes and 17 seconds




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