Live replay: Meeting evolving safety standards for automotive battery management systems (BMS)

Live replay: Meeting evolving safety standards for automotive battery management systems (BMS)

carMicrochipbattery managementBMS

The global BMS market is expected to grow exponentially over the next five years. Currently, electric vehicles (EVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHVs) all require charging, and the development trend of such vehicles will surely drive the growth of the BMS market. In response to the growing trend of electric vehicles, we are committed to developing robust, high-performance solutions for the automotive BMS market.

Total of 1 lessons27 minutes and 11 seconds

Live replay: Datang NXP-DNS battery management chip solution

Live replay: Datang NXP-DNS battery management chip solution

battery managementDatang NXPDNS

In this seminar, you will be introduced to Datang NXP’s single-cell-based battery management solution design and precautions: - This solution can bring more accurate temperature and voltage sampling to customers; - Additional impedance detection provided to customers function to protect the safety of new energy vehicle power batteries; - The battery management chip DNB1168 in this solution is 100% domestically produced, with on-chip integrated cell AC impedance monitoring, on-chip integrated temperature sensor, and the highest safety level ASIL -D circuit implementation

Total of 1 lessons22 minutes and 53 seconds

Live replay: Infineon system solutions make electric motorcycle design more reliable and efficient!

Live replay: Infineon system solutions make electric motorcycle design more reliable and efficient!

power supplybattery managementMOSFETInfineon

Electric motorcycles have become popular in the market in recent years due to their advantages of energy saving, emission reduction, space saving and ease of driving, and their sales have been rising. Its core applications include electric drive control, battery management, and battery charging. Although electric motorcycles are developing rapidly, they still face some challenges in design, which has become one of the problems that troubles engineers. To this end, Infineon provides system-level solutions for electric motorcycles through MOSFET tubes represented by Optimos 6. products and leading drive technology, we are able to provide the components needed for successful electric motorcycle design and assist engineers in meeting various challenges.

Total of 2 lessons1 hours and 25 minutes and 6 seconds

Live replay: Datang NXP - New energy lithium cell battery management solution with impedance detection function

Live replay: Datang NXP - New energy lithium cell battery management solution with impedance detection function

battery managementDatang NXPImpedance detectionLithium battery

In this seminar, we will introduce to you Datang NXP's single-cell-based battery management solution: - This solution can bring more accurate temperature and voltage sampling to customers; - The additional impedance detection function provided to customers provides new The safety of energy vehicle power batteries is guaranteed; - The battery management chip DNB1168 in this solution is 100% domestically produced, with on-chip integrated cell AC impedance monitoring, on-chip integrated temperature sensor, and circuits with the highest safety level ASIL-D accomplish.

Total of 1 lessons36 minutes and 47 seconds




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