Power Electronics Technology Ding Mingfang

Power Electronics Technology Ding Mingfang

Half BridgeFull BridgePower ElectronicsSPWM

Micro course on power electronics technology, covering single-phase, three-phase rectifier and inverter course content

Total of 45 lessons16 hours and 17 minutes and 9 seconds

Power Electronics Technology

Power Electronics Technology

Power ElectronicsRectificationInverter

Power electronics technology has promoted the tremendous development of productivity and technological revolution. Through the application of power electronic devices, the control requirements in many fields such as modern industry, transportation, and national defense construction can be achieved while obtaining maximum economic benefits. Power electronics technology is a combination of power supply technology and energy-saving technology, and is the key to achieving a balance between supply and demand in the field of electric energy.

Total of 37 lessons8 hours and 35 minutes and 54 seconds

Southeast University Power Electronics Fundamentals

Southeast University Power Electronics Fundamentals

Southeast UniversityPower ElectronicsWang Nianchun

Total of 42 lessons1 days and 6 hours and 38 minutes and 5 seconds




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