Live replay: ON Semiconductor Automotive Thermal Management e-Compressor Application

Live replay: ON Semiconductor Automotive Thermal Management e-Compressor Application

carThermal ManagementON Semiconductore-Compressor

As automobile power systems move from traditional internal combustion engines to hybrid and electric models, e-Compressor is not only used to control the body's heating and cooling air conditioning to adjust the cabin temperature, but can also be used for thermal management of electric vehicle batteries. Therefore, a reliable and strong power chip is crucial to driving safety. This online seminar will discuss a series of ON Semiconductor's ASPM modules for e-Compressor, which integrate gate drivers and have the advantages of miniaturization and high power density. At the same time, the new M3 SiC Mosfet will also be introduced and the mutual advantages of SiC and IGBT will be compared.

Total of 1 lessons44 minutes and 7 seconds

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Tree Navigation (Part 1)

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Tree Navigation (Part 1)

simulationMicrochipThermal ManagementPower management

Microchip analog and interface categories are demonstrated, including thermal management, op amps, motor drivers, power management, mixed signal, interface and security products.

Total of 1 lessons8 minutes and 4 seconds

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Tree Navigation (Part 2)

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Tree Navigation (Part 2)

MicrochipThermal ManagementPower management

Microchip analog and interface categories are demonstrated, including thermal management, op amps, motor drivers, power management, mixed signal, interface and security products.

Total of 1 lessons7 minutes and 22 seconds




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