Computer Vision and Deep Learning

Computer Vision and Deep Learning

Machine Visiondeep learning

Computer Vision and Deep Learning (Graduate Course) Lu Peng, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Total of 16 lessons23 hours and 24 minutes and 48 seconds

2020_Digikey KOL Series: Acceleration methods of graph algorithms in deep learning and other applications

2020_Digikey KOL Series: Acceleration methods of graph algorithms in deep learning and other applications

Image ProcessingDigi-Keydeep learningGraph Algorithms

The video mainly explains the commonly used algorithm acceleration methods in the implementation process of image algorithm development. This tutorial uses ARM embedded as the research basis and Raspberry Pi 4 as the experimental platform. The main content includes: 1: List some feasible embedded applications. Image acceleration method; 2: Detailed explanation one by one; 3: Computer demonstration of the code one by one.

Total of 1 lessons35 minutes and 1 seconds

Workshop: Intel® FPGA Deep Learning Acceleration Technology

Workshop: Intel® FPGA Deep Learning Acceleration Technology

FPGAIntelArrowdeep learning

This lecture will introduce how to use Intel's tools to implement deep learning derivation and task acceleration on FPGA. We will also discuss deep learning task derivation and toolkits - providing a unified interface when deploying derivation tasks for different Intel product architectures, different frameworks, and different network architectures. And how the deep learning architecture FPGA kit combines the function calls of the deployment toolkit with the FPGA device.

Total of 1 lessons25 minutes and 25 seconds




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