Analog integrated circuit design (Li Zhangquan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Analog integrated circuit design (Li Zhangquan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

simulationintegrated circuit

The teaching goal of the advanced analog integrated circuit circuit design course for first-year graduate students in microelectronics: to cultivate the innovative thinking ability and practical ability of graduate students through a more in-depth explanation of the basics of analog integrated circuit design, and to lay the foundation for the later training of graduate students.

Total of 54 lessons1 days and 16 hours and 12 minutes and 22 seconds

An overall view of analog IC design

An overall view of analog IC design


An overall view of analog IC design in Aixinren’s open class

Total of 3 lessons5 hours and 16 minutes and 30 seconds

CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design Wu Jin, Southeast University

CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design Wu Jin, Southeast University


Professor Wu Jin of Southeast University teaches CMOS analog integrated circuit design

Total of 42 lessons1 days and 9 hours and 34 minutes and 22 seconds

Radio Frequency Analog Circuit Yang Yumei, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Radio Frequency Analog Circuit Yang Yumei, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

simulationradio frequencyhigh frequency

This course is the main electronic circuit course for the electronic information engineering major. It requires students to firmly grasp the basic working principles of radio transceiver system unit circuits, basic analysis methods, basic testing and engineering design methods, and cultivate students' ability to analyze circuits and understand circuits.

Total of 46 lessons1 days and 12 hours and 3 minutes and 26 seconds

"Analog and Hybrid CMOS Integrated Circuit Design" (Zhejiang University Edition)

"Analog and Hybrid CMOS Integrated Circuit Design" (Zhejiang University Edition)

simulationCMOSIC Design

Simulate the process implementation methods, working principles and models of various active and passive devices used in CMOS integrated circuit design. As an excellent analog integrated circuit designer, only after deeply mastering the working principles and characteristics of various devices can we design high-quality analog integrated circuits.

Total of 52 lessons19 hours and 18 minutes and 30 seconds

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Tree Tour (Part 2)

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Tree Tour (Part 2)


Microchip Analog and Interface Product Tree Tour (Part 2)

Total of 1 lessons8 minutes and 3 seconds

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Overview

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Overview


Microchip Analog and Interface Product Overview

Total of 1 lessons8 minutes and 4 seconds

Intelligent simulation

Intelligent simulation


Intelligent simulation

Total of 1 lessons3 minutes and 13 seconds




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