Seminar: Datong helps you unlock the next generation of ADAS technology

Seminar: Datong helps you unlock the next generation of ADAS technology

carradarADASMillimeter wave

Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, and intelligent cars will be an inevitable trend in the future. ADAS, or Advanced Driving Assistance System, is the only way to make cars intelligent. It uses sensor technologies such as millimeter wave radar and cameras to sense the environment around the car body and collect data, and perform systematic calculations and analysis to predict possible dangers and improve Car driving comfort and safety. With the country's attention and technological breakthroughs, the demand for ADAS systems is expected to develop rapidly in the future. Datong Live Platform will help you unlock the new generation of ADAS technology. Technology experts from Shiping Group will provide you with an in-depth analysis of ADAS technology solutions, and senior technical experts will answer your questions!

Total of 2 lessons1 hours and 18 seconds

Live replay: Infineon intelligent motor drive solution

Live replay: Infineon intelligent motor drive solution


Variable frequency motor drive is an important means of energy conservation and emission reduction. Taking white home appliances as an example, the frequency conversion ratio continues to increase. In order to meet the rapidly changing needs of customers, Infineon provides one-stop services and provides a package of solutions including power single tubes, driver chips, IPM and controllers with multiple levels of integration.

Total of 1 lessons16 minutes and 20 seconds




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