Live replay: Metaverse Testing Seminar Series: Challenges of VR/AR Digital Interface Testing

Live replay: Metaverse Testing Seminar Series: Challenges of VR/AR Digital Interface Testing

testDigital InterfaceKeysightAR

As the world's leading provider of test and measurement solutions, Keysight has launched the Metaverse test series live broadcast to provide everyone with a detailed analysis of the various technical and testing challenges behind the Metaverse. This issue will introduce you to the challenges of VR/AR digital interface, the key equipment for entering the "Metaverse". VR/VR is a hardware medium for entering the metaverse world. What digital interfaces does it have? How do these interfaces affect the 4K/8K display we often call? Will these digital interfaces be replaced by wireless interfaces in the future? What are the testing challenges during product development? If you are a partner in product development related to digital interfaces or interested in related technologies, you are welcome to participate in this session of the Metaverse Testing Seminar series jointly organized by Keysight and us - VR/AR Digital Interface Testing challenge.

Total of 1 lessons43 minutes and 36 seconds




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