Live replay: ON Semiconductor inductive position sensor interface NCS32100

Live replay: ON Semiconductor inductive position sensor interface NCS32100

inductanceinterfaceON SemiconductorOnSemi

Motion control in today's industrial applications requires reliable, accurate and low-cost encoder solutions to provide precise motor position information. With more than 20 years of professional experience in designing inductive sensors, ON Semiconductor combines the reliability advantages of inductive encoders with the high precision and high speed typically found in mid-to-high-end optical encoders, and launches the latest inductive position sensor interface NCS32100 . The device integrates a microcontroller (MCU) and is "plug and play", which can speed up time to market and enable more compact and efficient designs.

Total of 1 lessons50 minutes and 24 seconds

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Tree Navigation (Part 1)

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Tree Navigation (Part 1)

simulationMicrochipThermal ManagementPower management

Microchip analog and interface categories are demonstrated, including thermal management, op amps, motor drivers, power management, mixed signal, interface and security products.

Total of 1 lessons8 minutes and 4 seconds

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Tree Tour (Part 2)

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Tree Tour (Part 2)


Microchip Analog and Interface Product Tree Tour (Part 2)

Total of 1 lessons8 minutes and 3 seconds

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Overview

Microchip Analog and Interface Product Overview


Microchip Analog and Interface Product Overview

Total of 1 lessons8 minutes and 4 seconds




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