Live replay: Application value and selection of ADI inertial MEMS sensors

Live replay: Application value and selection of ADI inertial MEMS sensors


What can inertial MEMS sensors be used for? In the fields of industry, energy, automobiles, consumption, medical and communications, what help can inertial MEMS sensors bring? Low power consumption, low noise, low cost, high bandwidth, high temperature, high reliability... are everyone's expectations for all components, but in actual design, many indicators have to be compromised. For different application scenarios, what indicators should engineers pay attention to? How to choose a more suitable MEMS sensor?

Total of 1 lessons1 hours and 11 minutes and 14 seconds

Live replay: ADI - Inertial MEMS applications

Live replay: ADI - Inertial MEMS applications

NAMEMEMSinertiaSmart Manufacturing

When it comes to inertial MEMS applications, what we often discuss are applications such as airbags and ESC in cars, or applications such as screen rotation or somatosensory games in consumer mobile phones. But in fact, the applications of inertial MEMS sensors go far beyond that. Inertial MEMS sensors are used in everything from drones flying in the sky, to ships floating on the sea, to measuring equipment thousands of meters underground. New infrastructure, smart manufacturing, earthquake early warning, vital sign monitoring, etc. These popular concepts and applications are also closely related to inertial MEMS sensors.

Total of 3 lessons1 hours and 28 minutes and 13 seconds




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