Live replay: Datang NXP-DNS battery management chip solution

Live replay: Datang NXP-DNS battery management chip solution

battery managementDatang NXPDNS

In this seminar, you will be introduced to Datang NXP’s single-cell-based battery management solution design and precautions: - This solution can bring more accurate temperature and voltage sampling to customers; - Additional impedance detection provided to customers function to protect the safety of new energy vehicle power batteries; - The battery management chip DNB1168 in this solution is 100% domestically produced, with on-chip integrated cell AC impedance monitoring, on-chip integrated temperature sensor, and the highest safety level ASIL -D circuit implementation

Total of 1 lessons22 minutes and 53 seconds

Live replay: Datang NXP - New energy lithium cell battery management solution with impedance detection function

Live replay: Datang NXP - New energy lithium cell battery management solution with impedance detection function

battery managementDatang NXPImpedance detectionLithium battery

In this seminar, we will introduce to you Datang NXP's single-cell-based battery management solution: - This solution can bring more accurate temperature and voltage sampling to customers; - The additional impedance detection function provided to customers provides new The safety of energy vehicle power batteries is guaranteed; - The battery management chip DNB1168 in this solution is 100% domestically produced, with on-chip integrated cell AC impedance monitoring, on-chip integrated temperature sensor, and circuits with the highest safety level ASIL-D accomplish.

Total of 1 lessons36 minutes and 47 seconds




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