Principles and Applications of Microcontrollers Harbin Institute of Technology

Principles and Applications of Microcontrollers Harbin Institute of Technology


The hardware structure and instruction system of the MCS-51 microcontroller are introduced in detail. From the application perspective, the assembly language programming and various hardware interface designs, various commonly used data operations and processing programs, interface drivers and the MCS-51 microcontroller are introduced. The design of the application system and the anti-interference technology and various new devices in the design of the MCS-51 microcontroller application system are also introduced in detail. This book highlights the practicality and typicality of the selected content. Most of the application examples in the book come from scientific research work and teaching practice, and have been tested and are rich and detailed.

Total of 50 lessons1 days and 18 hours and 51 minutes and 51 seconds

Microcontroller peripheral circuit_Lao Wu microcontroller actual combat

Microcontroller peripheral circuit_Lao Wu microcontroller actual combat


Beginners start with the development board + marquee. Although the program was successfully run, I was still confused; This album, starting from 0, classifies, analyzes, and physically tests the commonly used hardware peripheral to the microcontroller. Let everyone see how the microcontroller drives each piece of hardware, what is the driving principle, and what are the driving conditions; although it cannot make everyone proficient in hardware, it can give everyone an idea and know which category to choose a model in. As for having no clue.

Total of 14 lessons2 hours and 59 minutes and 18 seconds




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