Why is embedded microprocessor architecture design so complicated?

Why is embedded microprocessor architecture design so complicated?


Why is embedded microprocessor architecture design so complicated?

Total of 1 lessons19 minutes and 5 seconds

Seminar: Typical applications in the Internet of Things era: Maxim explains low-power MCUs in simple terms

Seminar: Typical applications in the Internet of Things era: Maxim explains low-power MCUs in simple terms

Low power consumption5GprocessorMaxim

As cloud computing and artificial intelligence technologies become increasingly mature, information technology is transformed into the era of the Internet of Things, especially the integration of IoT+AI, which has given rise to a deep integration of the physical world and the digital world. Both technology companies and traditional companies are transforming and upgrading to the Internet of Things. Under the current new development situation, IoT devices serve as an important support for building intelligent terminals, providing computing, communication and sensing technologies for intelligent applications of the IoT. This seminar invited experts from Maxim and Avnet to share low-power processor solutions for IoT, wearable and industrial fields, 5G accelerated IoT applications and digital transformation solutions.

Total of 1 lessons40 minutes and 1 seconds

Seminar: High-performance i.MX RT processor helps smart nodes implement machine learning without the need for an Internet connection

Seminar: High-performance i.MX RT processor helps smart nodes implement machine learning without the need for an Internet connection


Machine learning technology is the preferred solution for realizing artificial intelligence. In this seminar, we introduce the many advantages of NXP's i.MX RT crossover processor in supporting machine learning. These advantages make it logical and easy to introduce machine learning locally on the node. Subsequently, based on examples of object recognition and keyword detection, we will also demonstrate in this seminar the entire process of deploying and running a machine learning model on i.MX RT, as well as the integration of the machine learning module with the overall system.

Total of 2 lessons35 minutes and 0 seconds

Live replay: [Arrow] Application of TI Sitara series chips in big data products

Live replay: [Arrow] Application of TI Sitara series chips in big data products

OFA veilprocessorBig Data

Application of TI Sitara series chips in [big data] products

Total of 1 lessons35 minutes and 35 seconds

Boot Linux kernel via RAM/UBI file system

Boot Linux kernel via RAM/UBI file system

OFLinux kernelDSPRAMFS

In this tutorial, the commonly used boot methods RAMFS and UBIFS are selected as examples to explain how to modify the parameter configuration and boot the Linux kernel.

Total of 3 lessons0 seconds

The latest ARM technology and embedded development trends (Part 2)

The latest ARM technology and embedded development trends (Part 2)


The latest ARM technology and embedded development trends (Part 2)

Total of 1 lessons17 minutes and 28 seconds

The latest ARM technology and embedded development trends (Part 1)

The latest ARM technology and embedded development trends (Part 1)


The latest ARM technology and embedded development trends (Part 1)

Total of 1 lessons20 minutes and 45 seconds

Embedded processor selection

Embedded processor selection


Huaqing Vision Training Tutorial, Embedded Processor Selection

Total of 2 lessons48 minutes and 7 seconds

Easily enter the door of DSP video lecture series

Easily enter the door of DSP video lecture series


Easily enter the door of DSP video lecture series

Total of 7 lessons4 hours and 3 minutes and 42 seconds

OMAPL138 Development Resource Guide

OMAPL138 Development Resource Guide


OMAPL138 Development Resource Guide

Total of 1 lessons9 minutes and 3 seconds

OMAPL138/C6748/AM1808 system design

OMAPL138/C6748/AM1808 system design


OMAPL138/C6748/AM1808 system design

Total of 1 lessons17 minutes and 17 seconds

Software development for OMAPL138 (except Linux)

Software development for OMAPL138 (except Linux)


Software development for OMAPL138 (except Linux)

Total of 1 lessons18 minutes and 14 seconds

How to use OMAPL138 EVM

How to use OMAPL138 EVM


How to use OMAPL138 EVM

Total of 1 lessons8 minutes and 21 seconds

C64x+ online training

C64x+ online training


C64x+ online training

Total of 3 lessons2 hours and 42 minutes and 38 seconds




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