Live broadcast replay: Application of ON Semiconductor power devices in the new energy market

Live broadcast replay: Application of ON Semiconductor power devices in the new energy market

power componentON SemiconductorXinye

As a first-class supplier of power devices, ON Semiconductor focuses on providing customers with a complete set of power devices, including IPM, PIM, HVIC, Si MOSFET, SiC MOSFET, IGBT and other power products; in terms of power supply, there are corresponding control ICs for use in various topologies, and there are mature solutions for reference from 5W to 250KW functional segments; especially in industrial auxiliary power supply, the advantages are more obvious, and auxiliary power ICs with built-in 600V-1000V MOSFET can be provided. In the control part, there are various logic ICs, logic switches, single and bidirectional op amps, E-Fuse, medium and low voltage MOSFET and other products

Total of 1 lessons1 hours and 9 minutes and 28 seconds

Live replay: Experts from MPS, Nexperia, and Tektronix gathered to talk about key points to note in the power design of new energy vehicles

Live replay: Experts from MPS, Nexperia, and Tektronix gathered to talk about key points to note in the power design of new energy vehicles

Power managementTektronixtestpower component

There is no doubt that new energy vehicles have become the hottest technical topic in the automotive industry. In order to allow engineers to quickly understand and master the key power supply and motor-related knowledge points in the field of new energy vehicles, EEWorld has specially invited three influential companies in the new energy field. The company introduced the design points and precautions of new energy vehicles from the perspectives of power management, power motor drive, and test and measurement. Topics of the live broadcast include: new technologies for automotive power management; driving high efficiency - Nexperia power devices help power supply and motor application innovation; new technologies, multi-integration, Tektronix helps new solutions for new energy vehicle testing

Total of 6 lessons2 hours and 40 minutes and 8 seconds

Thermal considerations in designing power devices

Thermal considerations in designing power devices

Intersilpower componentHeat dissipation

Thermal considerations in designing power devices

Total of 1 lessons6 minutes and 6 seconds




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