Live replay: Nexperia ideal diodes and load switches ensure robust and efficient operation of the IoT

Live replay: Nexperia ideal diodes and load switches ensure robust and efficient operation of the IoT

Internet of Thingsdiodeload switchNexperia

Nexperia, a global leader in R&D, production and sales of power devices, continues to inject new impetus into various industries through innovative technologies. Recently, the company announced the launch of two new low-voltage ideal diodes. Experts will deeply analyze the excellent characteristics of ideal diodes, especially key parameters such as lower forward voltage drop than traditional diodes. In addition, discussing how load switches can optimize system performance is also one of the topics. Combined with practical application cases, we will show how these innovative products meet designers' pursuit of ultimate energy efficiency.

Total of 1 lessons34 minutes and 46 seconds

Live replay: Littelfuse silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET and Schottky diode product introduction and related applications

Live replay: Littelfuse silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET and Schottky diode product introduction and related applications

MOSFETdiodeLittelfuseSilicon Carbide

Silicon carbide (SiC) is one of the innovative products in power semiconductor products. Compared with traditional silicon-based products, SiC is a new generation technology with excellent switching performance and high efficiency. Littelfuse offers a broad range of silicon carbide MOSFET and Schottky diode products for the electric vehicle (EV), renewable energy, industrial drives, battery charging and transportation markets.

Total of 1 lessons41 minutes and 30 seconds

Diode conduction time causes switching regulator failure

Diode conduction time causes switching regulator failure

LinearDiodeSwitching Regulatorsdiode

Diode forward conduction time is often not confirmed, and manufacturers rarely give clear regulations. This parameter describes the time it takes for a diode to conduct and clamp to its forward voltage drop.

Total of 1 lessons6 minutes and 2 seconds




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