RT-Thread Nano learning tutorial

RT-Thread Nano learning tutorial


RT-Thread Nano is a minimalist version of the hard real-time kernel. It is developed in C language, adopts object-oriented programming thinking, and has a good coding style. It is a tailorable, preemptive real-time multi-tasking RTOS. It occupies very little memory resources, and its functions include relatively complete real-time operating system features such as task processing, software timers, semaphores, mailboxes, and real-time scheduling. It is suitable for 32-bit ARM entry-level MCUs that are widely used in home appliances, consumer electronics, medical equipment, industrial control and other fields.

Total of 26 lessons11 hours and 7 minutes and 9 seconds

Wildfire FreeRTOS kernel implementation and application development practical guide

Wildfire FreeRTOS kernel implementation and application development practical guide


The first part is: teaching you to write the FreeRTOS kernel from 0 to 1. This part focuses on the process of how to implement FreeRTOS. Part 2: Using the full range of Wildfire STM32 development boards (including M3, M4 and M7) as the hardware platform, we will explain the various kernel objects of FreeRTOS. This part not only explains how to use the API of each kernel object of FreeRTOS, but also analyzes the source code implementation of these APIs, so that you not only know what is happening but also why.

Total of 42 lessons18 hours and 32 minutes and 30 seconds




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