Live replay: The new Infineon MOSFET based on Source-down technology effectively improves power density and is visible to the naked eye.

Live replay: The new Infineon MOSFET based on Source-down technology effectively improves power density and is visible to the naked eye.

power supplyMOSFETInfineonInfineon

Whether it is switching power supply or motor drive, engineers are usually diligently pursuing the three "highs": higher efficiency, higher power density, and higher reliability. However, the existing PCB space is already very small. How to achieve these goals? This often troubles design engineers. In order to solve the problems that have been bothering everyone for a long time, Infineon has innovatively launched a new power OptiMOS™ MOSFET based on Source-down technology to help customer engineers solve these design challenges. In this live broadcast, Infineon and its partner Pinjia Group will give you a comprehensive and detailed introduction to Infineon's innovative OptiMOS™ MOSFET. It will provide you with new ideas for future designs and is definitely worth the money.

Total of 1 lessons42 minutes and 26 seconds




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