Microchip Digital Power Reference Design

Microchip Digital Power Reference Design

Power DesignDigital PowerMicrochip application solutions

Introducing some of Microchip's current main reference designs for digital power supplies, including 1000W offline UPS, interleaved PFC...

Total of 1 lessons9 minutes and 14 seconds

RF4CE universal remote control reference design

RF4CE universal remote control reference design

MicrochipMicrochip application solutionsRemote sensing LCD

Demonstrates a remote control reference design based on Microchip's PIC24-DA series with built-in graphics controller.

Total of 1 lessons10 minutes and 1 seconds

Connection types and methods of Microchip Wi-Fi module (MRF24WB0Mx series)—three connection methods of AdHoc Mode

Connection types and methods of Microchip Wi-Fi module (MRF24WB0Mx series)—three connection methods of AdHoc Mode

MicrochipWiFiMicrochip application solutions

Connection types and methods of Microchip WiFi module (MRF24WB0Mx series)—three connection methods of AdHoc Mode.

Total of 1 lessons8 minutes and 32 seconds

A day in the life of a Microchip touch solution

A day in the life of a Microchip touch solution

MicrochiptouchMicrochip application solutionsSensing

A day in the life of a Microchip touch solution

Total of 1 lessons3 minutes and 30 seconds




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