Industrial applications often receive 24V digital input from devices such as sensors and also produce digital outputs to relays, actuators, and inductive loads that must be driven. These inputs are typically conditioned with discrete components such as resistors/capacitors. Uses an external FET to drive the output. System requirements are generally the robustness and reliability of DI and DO. Since industrial systems typically do not have active cooling, power consumption should be minimized. And more and more industrial automation systems are getting smaller – having to handle more channels within a given form factor. These requirements are driving a shift from discrete implementation to an integrated approach.
Total of 1 lessons29 minutes and 55 seconds
Computer architecture is one of the core courses in computer science and technology, software engineering and other majors. It focuses on various basic structures, design techniques and performance analysis methods of computer systems. Through this course, you will understand the various basic structures of computer systems, master the factors that affect performance in all aspects of computer design, and various theories and methods to improve performance.
Total of 37 lessons21 hours and 49 minutes and 2 seconds