Digi-Key and DFRobot maker project interview

Digi-Key and DFRobot maker project interview


Learn about the origin story of DFRobot with Didi-Key China technical support director Lashley Wang and DFRobot product manager Rocket Xia. This video is the complete interview.

Total of 1 lessons20 minutes and 1 seconds

Digi-Key and DFRobot: Boson Kit Environmental Sensor + Star Factory

Digi-Key and DFRobot: Boson Kit Environmental Sensor + Star Factory


Welcome to DFRobot’s laboratory in the Mogu Cloud Maker Space. This time, we will share with you how to use the Boson micro:bit particle starter kit to create a simple and fun voice-controlled fan and sensor light application. In addition to sharing the specific production process of the application, we will also share a more in-depth creative application of DFRobot based on Boson micro:bit - Star Factory. A series of exciting events, not to be missed.

Total of 1 lessons4 minutes and 29 seconds

Digi-Key and DFRobot’s maker’s work: Tracked vehicle

Digi-Key and DFRobot’s maker’s work: Tracked vehicle


Those who like DIY, please look here! Digi-Key and DFRobot shared with you the process of building a remote-controlled crawler robot in the laboratory of the Mogu Cloud Maker Space. In just three minutes, you can easily get the secret to the birth of a remote-controlled crawler robot! This crawler vehicle can not only move, but also grab designated items!

Total of 1 lessons3 minutes and 3 seconds

Digi-Key and DFRobot's maker's work: How to make a robotic arm from 1 FireBeetle motherboard and 4 servos

Digi-Key and DFRobot's maker's work: How to make a robotic arm from 1 FireBeetle motherboard and 4 servos


Good ideas are inseparable from sudden inspiration. The thoughtful Digi-Key and DFRobot share the source of creation with you. Learn about the origin story of DFRobot with Didi-Key China technical support director Lashley Wang and DFRobot product manager Rocket Xia, and find out how [one FireBeetle motherboard and four servos are made into a robotic arm].

Total of 1 lessons3 minutes and 30 seconds




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