Battery Chemistry Basics

Battery Chemistry Basics


The video focuses on several basic elements and concepts about batteries. First, it introduces what fuel measurement technology is, and explains the intrinsic relationship between shutdown voltage, discharge rate, temperature and battery age. Then four main battery-related definitions were listed: battery chemical capacity (Qmax), availability (Quse), and battery internal resistance, including three factors that affect internal resistance performance—state of charge (SOC), temperature, and aging. The relationship between the degree and the remaining battery capacity (RM).

Total of 1 lessons17 minutes and 3 seconds

FPGA software and hardware co-design

FPGA software and hardware co-design


FPGA software and hardware co-design

Total of 35 lessons1 days and 3 hours and 17 minutes and 36 seconds

MPLAB Code Configurator Experiment 4

MPLAB Code Configurator Experiment 4


Based on the previous experiment, we will continue to introduce how to configure EUSART asynchronous mode and use the generated code to implement EUSART sending.

Total of 1 lessons8 minutes and 40 seconds

What is digital power system management

What is digital power system management

power supplyEEPWLinearDigital power system management

"Digital Power" or "Digital Power System Management (PSM)" enables system designers to simplify and accelerate system characterization and optimization during prototyping, resource allocation and field operation.

Total of 1 lessons7 minutes and 45 seconds

LTpowerCAD II: Switching regulated power supply design tool

LTpowerCAD II: Switching regulated power supply design tool

power supplyEEPWLTpowerCADSwitching power supply design

LTpowerCAD II: Switching regulated power supply design tool

Total of 1 lessons6 minutes and 59 seconds




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