Target announcer based on Raspberry Pi

Target announcer based on Raspberry Pi

raspberry pieDIY

The main function of the target indicator is to receive the coordinate data transmitted from the surface after shooting and the action data of the teaching aid when shooting. It is analyzed by the Raspberry Pi and displayed on the display. At the same time, it plays voice prompts, that is, it is only used as a terminal. . These functions can also be completed using a microcontroller, but the workload is relatively large, especially the interface and graphics parts that interact with the user. If developed based on the operating system, the efficiency will be greatly improved.

Total of 1 lessons10 seconds

Electronic design from scratch

Electronic design from scratch

DIYElectronic BasicsZero-based

Electronic design starts from scratch and circuits fly

Total of 92 lessons13 hours and 34 minutes and 8 seconds

American DIY players comprehensively test Keithley 2280S high measurement accuracy power supply

American DIY players comprehensively test Keithley 2280S high measurement accuracy power supply

DIYKeithleyTeardown review

DIY Daniel unboxes and evaluates the Keithley 2280S high-precision power supply. He will conduct a comprehensive experimental investigation on the appearance, parameters, and key performance of this power supply such as voltage, current, and full power.

Total of 1 lessons1 minutes and 1 seconds




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