Live replay: Explore the black technology behind smart door locks with Infineon

Live replay: Explore the black technology behind smart door locks with Infineon

InfineonInfineonSmart door lockBenen

Different from traditional door locks, smart door locks are more intelligent and simplified locks launched in the domestic market in recent years in terms of user safety, identification, and management. With the continuous promotion of smart homes, the unlocking method of smart door locks, wireless connection, security performance, etc. have always been issues that people continue to pay attention to. In response to the above problems, Infineon has designed a complete IoT solution for smart door lock research and development, including MCU, TOF, security chip, Wifi and dual-mode Bluetooth, realizing a one-stop solution from identification, calculation, connection to security. Serve

Total of 1 lessons47 minutes and 55 seconds

Seminar: Benign International’s New Glass Breakage Detection Solution

Seminar: Benign International’s New Glass Breakage Detection Solution


Realize glass breakage detection through air pressure change detection and full-frequency sound detection: - The solution is accurate, safe and contact-free installation. - One-to-many glass breakage detection is not easily disturbed by environmental sounds. - Can be widely used in commercial and home security. The main control part of the solution uses Microchip's ATSAMG55 series MCU, which is connected to Infineon's digital silicon microphone IM69D130 through its internal integrated PDM interface to complete sound detection, and air pressure detection is completed through Infineon's DPS310 chip.

Total of 2 lessons1 hours and 7 minutes and 25 seconds




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