Shijian KOL: Using ADBMS1818 to extend battery life in energy storage systems

Shijian KOL: Using ADBMS1818 to extend battery life in energy storage systems


The seasonality of wind energy and the periodicity of sunrise and sunset of solar energy must be overcome in order to make better use of new energy, and energy storage systems can play a big role here. A common energy storage station is equivalent to tens of thousands of batteries together. The system's requirements for performance, stability, and safety can be imagined, among which high-performance BMS plays an indispensable key role. ADI covers the entire process of energy generation, transmission, utilization and storage. It empowers the green energy cloud through system and chip technology including battery BMS, making the use of renewable energy more reasonable. Its latest high-precision 18-channel battery management chip ADBMS1818 can measure up to 18 series-connected battery cells and has a system design optimized for energy storage applications. Next, we will explore the hard-core technology behind energy storage applications with Littleshrimp, a senior netizen of the EEWorld forum!

Total of 1 lessons11 minutes and 58 seconds




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