Live replay: <Junlong Technology> takes you to understand the ADI digital health biosensor series

Live replay: takes you to understand the ADI digital health biosensor series

NAMEbiological sensorbiopotential sensorOptical Sensors

In recent years, as people pay more and more attention to health, biosensors have been widely used in medical monitoring, disease prevention, wearable fitness and other fields. At the same time, this also requires biosensors to have higher accuracy, lower power consumption, and smaller size to adapt to the requirements of wearable and medical products. This seminar will focus on four types of biosensors from ADI, especially the original Maxim company, including biopotential sensors, optical sensors, body surface temperature sensors and electrochemical sensors, and briefly introduce related reference designs.

Total of 1 lessons45 minutes and 15 seconds

Live replay: An in-depth explanation of wearable health monitoring

Live replay: An in-depth explanation of wearable health monitoring

MaximECGbiological sensormouser

Market trends in health and medical care ● Principles and solutions of biosensors ● Introducing Maxim’s health and medical reference design HSP2.0 to fully understand Maxim’s overall solutions in the health and medical field. Maxim’s reference design HSP2.0 helps shorten products Development cycle to achieve high-precision, low-power PPG, ECG and other functions ● HSP2.0 demonstration time

Total of 3 lessons1 hours and 1 minutes and 30 seconds




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