Playing with Arduino - peripheral modules - sensor components (2)

Playing with Arduino - peripheral modules - sensor components (2)


Arduino has many applications, and making smart cars and robots are two of the more common uses. In order to avoid collisions, smart cars need to measure the surrounding obstacles in real time. In order to maintain stability, robots also need to monitor the posture information of the system at all times. This lesson mainly explains how to use sensors to detect obstacles and postures in the above two scenarios.

Total of 3 lessons21 minutes and 25 seconds

Sensorless Field Oriented Control using the DRV8312 Eval Kit

Sensorless Field Oriented Control using the DRV8312 Eval Kit

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Watch two of TI's motor experts explain how to use the DRV8312-C2-KIT, a complete motor control brushless DC (BLDC) and permanent magnet synchronous (PMSM) motor rotating box evaluation kit for sensor field oriented control (FOC). It includes the DRV8312 motor driver, a 32-bit C2000 Piccolo microcontroller ntrolCARD module, a quick start GUI, a fully developed source code Code Composer Studio integrated development environment and a three-phase brushless DC motor.

Total of 1 lessons3 minutes and 51 seconds

Basic Tutorial: Sensors and How to Use them

Basic Tutorial: Sensors and How to Use them


This course will introduce the concept of physical signals, why they are needed and how to turn it into an analog/electrical signal through devices such as sensors, and then use actuators, speakers, motors, etc...

Total of 1 lessons31 minutes and 42 seconds




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