Digital Signal Processing Beihang University Wang Jun

Digital Signal Processing Beihang University Wang Jun

DSPfilterDigital Signal Processing

Taking audio signal processing as an example, a problem-oriented experimental teaching model is adopted, equipped with modular experimental routines such as signal spectrum analysis, filter design, filter implementation, and course comprehensive experiments, including analog filters, Matlab/FPGA/DSP digital filtering Devices etc. Analog filter examples connect relevant course content such as electronic circuits, signals and systems to increase the continuity of knowledge. Examples of digital filters to strengthen the connection and difference between "digital signal processing" and "signals and systems".

Total of 40 lessons8 hours and 26 minutes and 55 seconds

Signal and System Analysis Zhuo Qing, Tsinghua University

Signal and System Analysis Zhuo Qing, Tsinghua University

samplingSignals and SystemstransformLT

Signals and Systems (Basics) focuses on the basic concepts and analysis methods of deterministic signal transmission and processing through linear time-invariant systems for beginners of signals and systems. The content mainly includes continuous time signals and systems, discrete time signals and systems respectively. Theory and methods for analysis in the time domain and transform domain. On this basis, some specific contents are discussed in depth, including sampling, reconstruction and representation of signals; communication systems; time domain and frequency domain analysis of the system.

Total of 60 lessons7 hours and 40 minutes and 2 seconds

Video tutorial to teach you step by step DSP

Video tutorial to teach you step by step DSP


Video tutorial to teach you step by step DSP

Total of 31 lessons21 hours and 3 minutes and 29 seconds

Lecture by Oppenheim - Signals and Systems: Analog and Digital Signal Processing

Lecture by Oppenheim - Signals and Systems: Analog and Digital Signal Processing

SignalSignals and SystemsOverseas open courses

This course introduces analog and digital signal processing technology. The main content includes Fourier transform of continuous and discrete signals, linear time-invariant systems, etc.

Total of 26 lessons19 hours and 17 minutes and 34 seconds

Easily enter the door of DSP video lecture series

Easily enter the door of DSP video lecture series


Easily enter the door of DSP video lecture series

Total of 7 lessons4 hours and 3 minutes and 42 seconds

TMS320DM365 Digital Media Processor Example

TMS320DM365 Digital Media Processor Example


TMS320DM365 Digital Media Processor Example

Total of 1 lessons2 minutes and 35 seconds

Signals and Systems Meng Qiao Southeast University

Signals and Systems Meng Qiao Southeast University

Signals and SystemsSoutheast UniversityMengqiao

Through the study of this course, students should be able to master the basic theories and methods of signal analysis, master various description methods of linear non-time-varying systems, master the time domain and frequency domain analysis methods of linear non-time-varying systems, and master relevant Some important conclusions in engineering applications such as system stability, frequency response, and causality. At the same time, through the study of this course, students' ability to analyze problems and use the knowledge they have learned to solve problems should also be improved on the original basis. Through the study of this course, students can lay a good foundation for further study of signal processing, network theory, communication theory, control theory and other courses in the future.

Total of 287 lessons1 days and 22 hours and 2 minutes and 21 seconds

DSP5509 Microprocessor Video Tutorial

DSP5509 Microprocessor Video Tutorial

DSPDigital Signal Processing5509

Total of 14 lessons8 hours and 31 minutes and 19 seconds

Shopkeeper Zhang speaks 28335

Shopkeeper Zhang speaks 28335

DSPDigital Signal Processing28335

PIE module, GPIO module, XINTF module, I2C module, ADC module, DMA module, clock and watchdog module, external interrupt module, SCI module, XDS100V2 getting started under CCS4.2

Total of 10 lessons7 hours and 32 minutes and 51 seconds

Yongteng Electronics 28335 video

Yongteng Electronics 28335 video

DSPDigital Signal Processing28335

Total of 11 lessons10 hours and 32 minutes and 15 seconds

F28335 and starter kit demo

F28335 and starter kit demo


Christine Peng from the C2000 product application group demonstrated the easy-to-use F28335 floating point device.

Total of 1 lessons7 minutes and 19 seconds

Signals and Systems (Tsinghua University)

Signals and Systems (Tsinghua University)


This course mainly introduces the analysis of the time domain, frequency domain and S domain of continuous time systems and the analysis of time domain, frequency domain and Z domain of discrete time systems, and discusses the basic concepts of transmission and processing of deterministic signals through linear time-invariant systems. , basic analysis and design methods.

Total of 88 lessons23 hours and 11 minutes and 56 seconds

Wavelets and filter banks

Wavelets and filter banks

filterwaveletChinese Academy of SciencesPeng Silong

Basic concepts of wavelet and filter design. Bioorthogonal wavelet filter decomposition and reconstruction process.

Total of 56 lessons19 hours and 22 minutes and 45 seconds

Random signal processing Xidian Zhao Guoqing

Random signal processing Xidian Zhao Guoqing

Xidianstochastic signal processingZhao Guoqing

Random signals, also known as uncertain signals, refer to signals that cannot be expressed by a certain time function and are called random signals. Generally, the frequency domain of this type of signal is continuous, while the function signal is an intermittent random signal that cannot be described by a certain mathematical relationship. It cannot predict any future instantaneous value. Any observation only represents its range of variation. One of the possible results, whose value changes obey statistical laws. It is not a definite function of time, and it has no definite function value at any time within the domain of definition.

Total of 72 lessons1 days and 3 hours and 40 minutes and 35 seconds

Wavelets and filter banks

Wavelets and filter banks

filterwaveletChinese Academy of SciencesPeng Silong

Total of 56 lessons19 hours and 51 minutes and 50 seconds

Wavelets and science

Wavelets and science

wavelettransformHarbin Institute of TechnologyRan Qiwen

Total of 231 lessons1 days and 17 hours and 58 minutes and 59 seconds

Wavelet Theory and Application

Wavelet Theory and Application

wavelettransformHarbin Institute of TechnologyRan Qiwen

Total of 67 lessons1 days and 3 hours and 25 minutes and 32 seconds

TMS320C6748 dsp development video tutorial

TMS320C6748 dsp development video tutorial

DSPDigital Signal Processingc6748

Total of 20 lessons9 hours and 1 minutes and 10 seconds

Tongji University Digital Signal Processing Tutorial (72 lectures in total)

Tongji University Digital Signal Processing Tutorial (72 lectures in total)

DSPDigital Signal Processing Tutorial

This tutorial is taught by teacher Zhang Fang from Tongji University. The content includes: 1. Basic principles of digital signal processing and some necessary mathematical tools; 2. Discrete Fourier transform and fast Fourier transform; 3. Understanding the principles of digital filters Implementation method; 4. Learn the design of digital filters.

Total of 72 lessons1 days and 12 hours and 43 minutes and 39 seconds

Application of TCP2/VCP2 coprocessor on high-performance C64+ DSP

Application of TCP2/VCP2 coprocessor on high-performance C64+ DSP


Application of TCP2/VCP2 coprocessor on high-performance C64+ DSP

Total of 1 lessons7 minutes and 7 seconds

C64x+ online training

C64x+ online training


C64x+ online training

Total of 3 lessons2 hours and 42 minutes and 38 seconds

OMAPL138 Development Resource Guide

OMAPL138 Development Resource Guide


OMAPL138 Development Resource Guide

Total of 1 lessons9 minutes and 3 seconds

OMAPL138/C6748/AM1808 system design

OMAPL138/C6748/AM1808 system design


OMAPL138/C6748/AM1808 system design

Total of 1 lessons17 minutes and 17 seconds

Engineering Applications of Random Signal Analysis

Engineering Applications of Random Signal Analysis

Random signal analysisChina Southern AirlinesZhang Qiang

Random signals, also known as uncertain signals, refer to signals that cannot be expressed by a definite time function. Generally, the frequency domain of this type of signal is continuous, while the function signal is discontinuous. Engineering Applications of Random Signal Analysis discusses the basic theory of random signal analysis and its engineering applications from a practical perspective. The main contents include: basic concepts and mathematical description methods of random physical phenomena and random signals, as well as basic theories of random signal analysis and engineering applications of random signal related analysis and spectral analysis.

Total of 43 lessons14 hours and 19 minutes and 44 seconds




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