Speaker: Marco Panizza, Vicor European Applications Engineering Manager. This course explains the working principle of DC-DC converters, as well as the block diagrams of Maxi, Mini, and Micro modules, and the power conversion topology of zero-current switching architecture.
After setting the NCO parameters, change the clock rate to 8, the desired output frequency to 2, and then press finish. The settings are completed and you enter this interface. The parameters become t
From CSDN, original Bruceoxl original link https://bruceou.blog.csdn.net/article/details/116097779?spm=1001.2101.3001.6650.4utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-2%7Edefault%7ECTRLIST%7Edef
As shown in the picture, when allocating pins, the four pins TCK, TMS, TDO, and TDI appear. Don't they need to be allocated manually? Aren't these pins generally not present?
What exactly is a sine filter? Why is it so commonly used in delta-sigma ADCs? In my last blog post I mentioned that the name “sine” comes from its frequency response which is a sin(x)/x function. The
PIC16C712 functions, features, and application areas 1. Functions and features: PIC16C712 is an enhanced product based on the functions of the 711 chip launched by Microchip. It is pin-to-pin compatib
AD9162 has many registers when configuring, but the datasheet gives a START-UP SEQUENCE when configuring, as shown below. However, some registers that need to be configured are not in this START-UPSEQ