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High-speed PCB design rule design and skill analysis

Total of 1 lesson ,1 hours and 56 minutes and 40 seconds

[Course Background]:
What are rules? How much should be controlled from each type of device to device? How much spacing should be controlled between traces? How much should the spacing of copper paving be controlled? This is a problem that many engineers don't understand. This is the charm of rules. This live broadcast, from the perspective of an engineer, comprehensively analyzes how to set different rules according to different boards, and what are the key points of rule setting, so that everyone can fully understand how to reasonably set and utilize rules in the high-speed PCB design process.
[Course Outline]:
1. What are rules and why should we set them?
2. How to choose the rule size between each element?
3. Introduction to PCB routing rules
4. Introduction to PCB spacing rules
5. Introduction to area rules

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