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Hardware Implementation Principle of CRC Algorithm
[i=s]This post was last edited by SandiageChu on 2016-7-19 17:47[/i] Everyone knows the CRC algorithm for car communication, and the software implementation is also understood. In the hardware circuit
SandiageChu Automotive Electronics
Please help me with the interrupt driver for fpga under linux system. Thanks
#include#include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #includestatic int f2h_int_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file); static int f2h_int_release(struct inode
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Design of Phase-Adjustable RF Active Phase Shifter
Abstract: A two-stage first-order adjustable phase shifter with a center frequency of 100 MHz is constructed using a PIN tube and a radio frequency operational amplifier. The phase adjustment range is
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Do you find Altium Dexigner 6.8 easy to use?
I used Protel99 for the first drawing, then 99SE, and now I use Altium Dexigner 6.8. But when I draw the schematic and load the schematic bus network connection into the PCB, why can't I connect it of
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Does anyone know how to initialize the input capture function of GD32?
The following code is the input capture function of GD32F303CBT6 that I wrote according to the information on the Internet. It uses PA0 and TIME4_CH0. The PA0 pin has input a 50% signal of 1KHZ. #incl
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Wi-Fi Direct, this technology is quite interesting, who has paid attention to it?
I was looking up information online these days, and suddenly found an interesting technology. Let's take a look at the introduction of the Wi-Fi Alliance: [url=http://www.wi-fi.org/discover-wi-fi/wi-f
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