MSP430F5529, using P6 port to connect to the DIP switch, no matter the common end is grounded or high level, as long as it is 7, it will not turn on, and the others are normal. Does anyone know the re
[p=28, null, left][color=#666666][font=Helvetica, "][size=14px] As for the commonly used connection methods of segment code LCD screens, we all know them. Generally, customers have already determined
[align=left][font=宋体][color=rgb(0, 0, 0)][size=10.5pt][b][Main content][/b][/size][/color][/font]Understand the modulation method of RFID, the working principle and usage of GNU Radio USRP open source
Line 4 in the waveform is wr, and the chip select signal is always low. Lines 15/14/13/12 are datain【0】, datain【1】, datain【2】, and datain【3】, respectively. Datain【0】 is always high, datain【1】 is alway