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SAM4L-EK: Overview

Total of 1 lesson ,1 minutes and 21 seconds

The SAM4L-EK is our recommended evaluation kit for all SAM4L devices. It comes with a 256k SAM4L device. The unit comes with both a dot-matrix LCD controller and a USB host, allowing you to evaluate all features of the SAM4L Series units in a single kit. The development board provides a variety of peripherals to demonstrate the main features of SAM4L and can also be expanded with expansion boards. Please click on the video to learn more!
        Watch Part 3 of the Atmel SAM4L ARM® Cortex®-M4 Processor-Based MCUs video: Learn about the SAM4L Evaluation Kit, which features a 256k SAM4L device with a dot matrix LCD controller and USB host. It allows you to evaluate all functions of the SAM4L series units with just a single kit.

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