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CC1310 is a Sub-1G-capable SOC in the TI Simplelink MCU series. In response to the application requirements of many customers who need to upgrade the firmware via the serial port, CC1310 has a built-i
橙色凯 TI Technology Forum
Problems with changing the timing period in STM32 timer interrupts.
If the ARPE bit is turned off in STM32, the ARR value can be changed directly. Assuming that the current ARR value is relatively large, ARR=5000, when the timer interrupt is entered, the CNT counter h
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Discuss the most cost-effective TPMS solution
TPMS has become a hot topic in automotive electronics. With the introduction of relevant regulations, its demand will surge. For TPMS designers, it is crucial to find a solution with high performance/
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Start with a Routine
[i=s]This post was last edited by lehuijie on 2019-11-24 22:08[/i]I have the board in hand but I don't know what to evaluate, so I'll start with the ADC acquisition photoresistor routine. First look a
lehuijie stm32/stm8
Is FPGA a big deal in the field of artificial intelligence?
It seems to be very popular recently.
tso9001 FPGA/CPLD
Need help selecting DC/DC power chip?
Please recommend a buck power chip. Requirements: 1. Input voltage can support 24V input for normal operation; 2. With enable control (EN), high level is effective; 3. Output voltage is 5V, fixed or a
youn@g Power technology
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