Source program: SLAVR737.ASM
uses AVR microcontroller 8-bit data to generate random numbers, outputs random numbers from PORTA and PORTC, and displays them on 8X8 LEDs. For hardware wiring circuit, see "7.3.8 Button Guessing". The seed of the random number is set by the program (or an external switch). After the seed is started, the shift register returns to the cycle with a mutually exclusive XOR logic combination.
rjmp RESET
.def temp =r16 ; register.def
temp1 =r17 ; register 1
.def udata =r21 ; store random number and send to port A.def
ddata =r22 ; store random number and send to port C.cseg
RESET: ldi temp,high(RAMEND); set stack pointer
out SPH,temp
ldi temp,low(RAMEND)
out SPL,temp
ldi temp,0xff ; set port A and port C as output
out ddra,temp ; send direction register A
out ddrc,temp ; send direction register C
start: wdr ; turn off watchdog
ldi udata,0x6a ; set initial value of random number
ldi ddata,0x3c ;
startp: out porta,udata ; output to port A
out portc,ddata ; output to port C
ldi temp,0x80 ;Set delay constant
rcall delay ;Call delay subroutine
rcall randm ;Call 16-bit random number subroutine
rjmp startp
delay: ; General delay subroutine omitted
Principle diagram of 16-bit random number generation
8-bit shift register generates random number cyclic combination
bit number cyclic input combination S=2^n-1 Qn XOR Qm
8 Q2 ⊕ Q3 ⊕ Q4 ⊕ Q8 (The current program button guesses the number using 8 digits)
9 Q5 ⊕ Q9
10 Q7 ⊕ Q10
11 Q9 ⊕ Q11
12 Q2 ⊕ Q10 ⊕ Q11 ⊕ Q12
13 Q1 ⊕ Q11 ⊕ Q12 ⊕ Q13
14 Q2 ⊕ Q12 ⊕ Q13 ⊕ Q14
15 Q14 ⊕ Q15
16 Q4 ⊕ Q13 ⊕ Q15 ⊕ Q16
randm: ;Generate 16-bit random number subroutine
mov temp,udata ;Generate random number for port A
mov temp1,udata ;
rol temp ;Left circular shift through the carry bit
eor temp1,temp ;XOR
rol temp ; Left circular shift through the carry bit
rol temp ; Left circular shift through the carry bit
eor temp1,temp ;XOR
mov temp,ddata ; Generate random number for port C
swap temp ; Left circular shift through the carry bit
eor temp,temp1 ;XOR Left circular shift through the carry bit
rol temp ; Left circular shift through the carry bit
rol ddata ; Left circular shift through the carry bit
rol udata ; Left circular shift through the carry bit
ret ;Subroutine returns to
7.3.8 Button guessing program
source code: SLAVR738.ASM
In many occasions, such as button guessing (computer lottery, computer selecting lucky numbers), the game start button waits for an irregular and unordered data to be generated, that is, a random number generator is required. The seed of the random number is set by the program (it can also be set by an external switch). After the seed is started, the shift register returns to the cycle with a mutually exclusive XOR logic combination. The schematic diagram for generating random numbers is as follows:
Principle diagram of 16-bit random number generation
8-bit shift register generates random number cyclic combination
bit number Circular input combination S=2^n-1 Qn XOR Qm
8 Q2 ⊕ Q3 ⊕ Q4 ⊕ Q8 (The current program button guesses the number using 8 digits)
9 Q5 ⊕ Q9
10 Q7 ⊕ Q10
11 Q9 ⊕ Q11
12 Q2 ⊕ Q10 ⊕ Q11 ⊕ Q12
13 Q1 ⊕ Q11 ⊕ Q12 ⊕ Q13
14 Q2 ⊕ Q12 ⊕ Q13 ⊕ Q14
15 Q14 ⊕ Q15
16 Q4 ⊕ Q13 ⊕ Q15 ⊕ Q16
8X8 LED array, in order to prevent users from predicting the change value of the random number corresponding to the pressing time when the machine is turned on, the LED subtitles are displayed with advertising animation screens, and the random number is changed so that the starting value of the random number cannot be predicted. There are four advertising animation screens, each with 8 bits of data. See "org dpfstb";
by pressing the button (PD1), AVR generates a random number with 8 bits of data, and outputs the random number from PORTA and PORTC, and displays the fun and real button guessing on the 8X8 LED.
.include ""
.def peed = r16
.def DSP n = r17 ;Store the initial animation times.def
temp2 = r18
.def temp1 = r19
.def temp = r20
.def scndp = r21
.def cnt = r22
.def rdata = r23 ;Store the random seed number.def
rdata9 = r24
.equ dpfstb = 0x01e0 ;The first address of the size rectangle chart.equ
randtb = 0x0210 ;The first address of the random number seed table.equ
numbertb = 0x0240 ;The first address of the 0-9 digital
rjmp RESET ;Reset Handle
.org $0010
RESET: ldi peed, high (RAMEND) ;Set the stack $25F, see the device configuration file ""
out SPH,peed
ldi peed,low(RAMEND)
out SPL,peed
ldi peed,0xff ;initialize the port,
out ddra,peed ;set port A as output
out ddrc,peed ;set port C as output
ldi peed,0xfd ;PD1 as input, and connect internal pull-up resistor
out ddrd,peed ;PD1 as input, the rest as output
ldi peed,0xff ;turn off port D
out portd,peed
ldi peed,0x13 ;display screen times
start: ldi dspn,0x06 ;display initial animation
ldi zh,high(dpfstb*2)
ldi zl,low(dpfstb*2)
dsp FM : rcall ldtb8 ;call program area number and send it to RAM
ldi temp2,0xa0 ;display animation screen times
dspfm1: rcall s CAN 1 ;Call to get data from memory and display it once
sbis PIN d,01 ;The bit of I/O port is set to jump, detect PD1 is pressed or not
rjmp getseed ; Detect PD1 is pressed and go to
dec temp2 ;-1
brne dspfm1 ;If not 0, go to
dec dspn ; Number of initial screens -1
brne dspfm ; If not 0, go to
rjmp start ;Go to display initial animation
getseed:inc temp ;+`1, select random number seed according to the time PD1 is pressed
sbis pind,01 ;The bit of I/O port is set to jump, detect PD1 is pressed or not
rjmp getseed ; Detect PD1 is pressed and continue counting
andi temp,0x1f ;The button is released, get the random number seed and add 0X0F
ldi zh,high(randtb*2)
ldi zl,low(randtb*2)
add zl,temp
mov rdata,r0 ;Get the random number seed
next: ldi dspn,0x08 ;Display 8 different random numbers;
repeet: rcall randm ;Call the random number generation
subrcall dspnumber ;Call and display 8 different random numbers
dec dspn ;-1
brne repeet ;dspn is not 0
rcall randm ; call the random number generating subroutine
guess1: rcall dspnumber ; call and display the same random number until a key is pressed
sb IC pind,01 ; release and then execute (I/O port clears and jumps)
rjmp guess1 ; switch to display the same random number until a key is pressed
wait: rcall dspnumber ;
sbis pind,01
rjmp wait ; wait for the button to be pressed
ldi rdata9,0x03 ; display the animation three times
start0: ldi dspn,0x06 ; display six pictures each time
ldi zh,high(dpfstb*2)
ldi zl,low(dpfstb*2)
dspfm0: rcall ldtb8 ; call to get data from the program area pointed to by Z and send it to the memory 0080-0087
ldi temp2,0xa0 ; display times
dspfm1a:rcall scan1 ;Call to fetch data from memory 0080-0087 and display it once
dec temp2 ;-1
brne dspfm1a ;If not 0, go to
dec dspn ;Show the initial animation times -1
brne dspfm0 ;If not 0, go to
dec rdata9 ;Show animation three times -1
brne start0 ;If not 0, go to
rjmp next ;Go to display 8 different random numbers
dspnumber: ;Display a subroutine with a number from 0 to 9
ldi zh,high(numbertb*2)
ldi zl,low(numbertb*2)
add zl,rdata9
rcall ldtb8 ;Get data
ldi temp2,0xa0 ;The number is repeatedly displayed A0H times
dspn1: rcall scan1
dec temp2
brne dspn1
scan1: push xl ;Fetch data from memory 0080-0087 and display it once
ldi temp,0b01111111
mov scndp,temp
ldi cnt,0x08
col1: out portc,scndp ;display a column of the screen
ld r1,x+
out porta,r1
rcall delay
ror scndp
dec cnt
brne col1
pop xl
ldtb8: ldi xl,0x80 ;get data from the program area pointed to by Z and send them to memory 0080-0087
ldi xh,0x00
ldi temp1,0x08
push xl
nexld1: lpm
st x+,r0
ld r0,z+
dec temp1
brne nexld1
pop xl
delay: ;general delay subroutine is omitted
randm: mov temp,rdata ;generate 8N (0≤N≤9) random number subroutine
mov temp1,rdata
swap temp1
eor temp,temp1
rol temp1
eor temp,temp1
rol temp1
eor temp,temp1
rol temp
rol rdata
mov rdata9,rdata
andi rdata9,0x0f
cpi rdata9,0x0a
brsh randm ;Generate a random number 0≤RDATA9≤9
lsl rdata9
lsl rdata9
lsl rdata9
.org dpfstb; ;Size and size box font table
; small o
.db 0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00011000
.db 0b00011000,0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00000000
.db 0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00111100,0b00100100
.db 0b00100100,0b00111100,0b00000000,0b00000000
.db 0b00000000,0b01111110,0b01000010,0b01000010
.db 0b01000010,0b01000010,0b01
111110,0b00000000 ;big o
.db 0b11111111,0b10000001,0b10000001,0b10000001
.db 0b10000001,0b10000001,0b10000001,0b11111111
.db 0b00000000,0b01111110,0b01000010,0b01000010
.db 0b01000010,0b01000010,0b01111110,0b00000000
.db 0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00111100,0b00100100
.db 0b00100100,0b00111100,0b00000000,0b00000000
.org randtb ;随机数种子表
.db 0x5a,0x7b,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07
.db 0x3b,0x8c,0x67,0x9a,0x99,0x7e,0x2d,0x3e
.db 0x5c,0x6d,0x5b,0x7e,0xf6,0xe7,0x4c,0xc8
.db 0x69,0x9c,0xe2,0x75,0x6c,0xd3,0xe8,0x9a
.org numbertb ;0-9数字字形表
.db 0b00111000,0b01000100,0b01000100,0b01000100
.db 0b01000100,0b01000100,0b01000100,0b00111000
.db 0b00010000,0b00011000,0b00010000,0b00010000
.db 0b00010000,0b00010000,0b00010000,0b00111000
.db 0b00011100,0b00100 010,0b00100000,0b00010000
.db 0b00001000,0b00000100,0b00000010,0b00111110
.db 0b00111100,0b00010000,0b00001000,0b00010000
.db 0b00100000,0b00100000,0b00100010,0b00011100
.db 0b00100000,0b00110000,0b00101000,0b00100100 .db 0b00100010,0b1111111 0,0b00100000,0b00100000 ;5 .db 0b01111110,0b00000010,0b00111110,0b01000000 .db
0b01000000,0b01000000,0b01000010,0b00111100 ;6 .db 0b00110000,0b00001000,0b00000100,0b00111100 .db 0b01000100,0b01000100,0b01000100,0b00111000 ;7 .db 0b01111100,0b0100000 0,0b00100000,0b00010000 .db 0b00001000,0b00001000,0b00001000,0b00001000 ;8 .db 0b00111000,0b01000100,0b01000100,0b00111000 .d b 0b01000100,0b01000100,0b01000100,0b00111000 ;9 .db 0b00111000,0b01000100,0b01000100,0b01111000
.db 0b01000000,0b01000000,0b01000100,0b00111000
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