Analog Electronic System Design and Practice Although in the past 10 years, due to the development of digital electronic technology, many applications that traditionally belonged to the field of analog electronics can now be implemented in digital form, the importance of analog circuits has not decreased. This is because some physical quantities in nature, such as temperature, pressure, sound, etc., are analog signals that require analog circuits to process. Most complex electronic systems contain both digital electronic systems and analog electronic systems, which cooperate and rely on each other. Among them, analog electronic systems often play a key role in the performance indicators of the entire electronic system. Therefore, analog electronic system design is indispensable in the design of the entire electronic system. Technicians engaged in analog electronic system design have some experience: the design of analog electronic systems is more difficult than that of digital electronic systems, and lacks standardized design methods and steps; when designing analog electronic systems, discrete components are rarely used, and analog integrated circuits with various functions are used in large quantities.
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