Geek Mom Projects made a chain bracelet, with tiny metal hinges (10mm x 8mm) providing the structure and electronic connections between nodes. The controller is an SMT soldered Adafruit QT Py running
" In February 2015, the Khronos standards organization released the most modern graphics API, Vulkan, whose host-side interface uses pure C language. In addition, open standards such as OpenGL, OpenCL
After searching online and conducting my own experiments, I have summarized three methods for displaying the state machine name in Modelsim simulation. The following is an explanation using a specific
Temperature sensor + I2C + serial port + PC host (pyserial) example
The examples are a bit messy, mainly for learning:
Temperature sensor DS18b20, E2PROM, I2C, serial port reading and writing, PC host
The MSP430 microcontroller has a built-in ADC function. Some advanced microcontroller series have ADC12, while low-level microcontroller series have ADC10. The main difference between the