[size=4][backcolor=red][color=#ffffff]***Activity Rules***[/color][/backcolor] The new activity rules will take the form of points + ranking. The top 15 netizens in the monthly points ranking will rec
Repost an article [Author | Sister Dandan Source | Cool Play Lab (ID: coollabs)]
The Huawei incident has become a big deal.
Even my mother asked me, "Is Huawei going to be finished?"When the time came
The ACM32F070 series MCU has a segment LCD display controller that supports up to 8 common terminals (COM) and 40 segment terminals (SEG), and can drive 160 (4*40) or 288 (8*36) LCD segments. The main
A simple MicroPython PWM buzzer driver that supports the use of UASYCIO to play multi-channel music, or to combine multiple channels into one to play polyphonic sounds.[hide]https://github.com/Wind-st