[size=4][color=#252525]The numerical representation of fixed-point DSP chips is based on the 2's complement representation. Each 16-bit number is represented by l sign bits, i integer bits, and 15-i d...
Finally received the goods, I think I should be the last one to receive the goods! ~ Let's not talk about it, let's take a look at the pictures first!There is also a detailed description[b][color=#5E7...
When reading the beginning of some PIC microcontroller source programs, you will find some special instruction mnemonics. These mnemonics are different from the mnemonics of the instruction system and...
1. Overview: We have designed a six-function multi-mode timing controller using the HT48R10A-1 (or HT48R30A-1) microcontroller. It uses a combined display unit that can display 4-digit 7-segment digit...