The increase in applications that require instantaneous backup power has led to an increase in demand for supercapacitors. Supercapacitors (also known as ultracapacitors) are electrochemical capacitor...
Do you know the principle of car reversing radar? Power amplifier experiment case (III) Car reversing radar system - application of ultrasonic transducer...
[font=微软雅黑][size=3]【Disclaimer Forwarding】[/size][/font][font=微软雅黑][size=3] [/size][/font] [font=微软雅黑][size=3]Here is an outsourcing project. If you have the energy and ability, please contact us:)[/s...
[size=5]The following is a list of the MSP430F149 experimental board hardware resource environment for running C language examples. Familiarity with these hardware resources is very important for unde...
Live broadcast time: May 26, 10:00-11:30Live broadcast topic: ON Semiconductor image sensors, promoting the development of automobiles, machine vision and artificial intelligenceWatch replay: Click to...
[size=4]/*Timer output unit example:[/size] [size=4]ACLK clock frequency is LFXT1=32768Hz, use Timer_A to output a PWM wave with a period of 512/32768[/size] [size=4]=15.625ms, and a duty cycle of 75%...