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Simple light-controlled street light circuit (3)

Source: InternetPublisher:黄土马家 Keywords: Light control street light Updated: 2021/11/11

193. Simple<strong>Light-controlled street light</strong><strong>Circuit</strong> (3).gif

This is a simple JT controlled street light circuit that uses one-way gate tubes. VDP is a photosensitive
diode. During the day, it shows low resistance , with a resistance value ≤ ikfl. The transistor VT2 is cut off, and the thyristor VT1 is turned off because there is no
trigger current in the gate, and the street light E does not light up. At night, VL shows high resistance when exposed to no light , with a resistance value ≥
iO. kfl, VT2 is turned on, and the emitter can output a positive trigger current to flow through the f J pole of vri, causing VTL to turn on and
F to light up. The thick junction RP can make the circuit light up the lamp E when the illumination F needs to be turned on. This circuit is equipped with
a voltage regulator vS to make the circuit operation more stable and reliable. When installing the circuit
, the photosensitive diode VDP should also be careful to avoid the light of the lamp E itself.




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